Monday, June 3, 2013

Visit from Aunt Natalie

Aunt Natalie (and her family) were in town this weekend.  Jed benefited from her adoration.

Natalie holds Jed for the first time.

Jed slept in Grandma's arms.

Uncle Reagan came by to see everyone.  (Natalie and Jed's Daddy's cousin)

Natalie made cookies with Jack and Lia's help.

Lia cleaned her feet with a baby wipe. / Licking sugar butter from the beater.

Jed liked looking at the flowers.

Mamma and Jed getting some sun.

Leezza and Ian enjoyed the pool.


  1. I am so jealous I wasn't there! All of my nieces and nephews are so cute.

  2. Aww! Family time!
